








配置Koala實時和離線3D分析軟件和MEMS動態(tài)樣品分析軟件。Reflectometry反射率測量軟件以及Koala TCP/IP remote control可滿足用戶遠程操作需求 

并配置Sample Kit DHM-R (MEMS + 9 samples) 多種標準樣品,滿足用戶的測試需要 






[M-011-R-X-006] DHM-R2103 model
DHM R2000 head; dual wavelengths reflection configuration including:
- Manual objectives turret with 6 positions
- Laser source module 794±1 nm with optical fiber coupling for enhanced stability
- Laser source module 666±1 nm with optical fiber coupling for enhanced stability
- Optical Path length adjustment for multiple objectives and measurement through coverglass / in liquid
- Power Supply (110-220V, 50-60Hz, 200W max)
- Cables

[M-101-B-O-002] Stitching package
Stitching module, requires XYZ motorized stage choice, includes dedicated software module fully integrated in Koala.

[M-151-R-X-002] DHM-R 100x100x38mm XYZ motorized sample Stage, Z-encoded
100 x 100 x 38 mm motorized X Y Z stage for DHM R series, including joystick and integrated Software Package with control software for automation and auto-focus

[M-201-R-X-003] Standard DHM-R camera
Camera 30 fps (1024x1024 pixels) including software control from Koala. GigE and power supply cables included, camera trigger not included.

[M-251-R-O-002] Objective lens 2.5x dry
Objective Lens assembly Magnification 2.5x, (NA = 0.07, WD= 11.2 mm, FOV= max 2640 μm) no cover-glass correction, no immersion, all related software, calibrations, and settings

[M-251-R-O-005] Objective lens 10x dry
Objective Lens assembly Magnification 10x, (NA = 0.3, WD= 11.0 mm, FOV= max 660 μm) no cover-glass correction, no immersion, all related software, calibrations, and settings

[M-253-R-O-003] Objective lens 20x dry Glass 0-2
Objective Lens assembly for measuring through coverglass 0 to 2 mm : Magnification 20x, Long Working Distance, (NA=0.4, WD=6.9 mm, FOV= max 330 μm) no immersion, all related software, calibration and settings

[M-253-R-O-005] Objective lens 40x dry Glass 0-2
Objective Lens assembly for measuring through coverglass 0 to 2 mm : Magnification 40x, Long Working Distance, (NA=0.6, WD=3.3-1.9 mm, FOV= max 165 μm) no immersion, all related software, calibrations, and settings.

[M-301-R-X-005] DHM-R Structure 600
- 600x600x55 mm enhanced stiffness honeycomb optical breadboard with M6 with 25 mm center tapped holes
- Structure to hold the DHM
- Manual adjustment of the height of the DHM: 250 mm. Height adapted for both manual and motorized stages

[M-351-B-O-002] Stroboscopic base Pulsed (7.5 ns) USB - 1CH (SVS camera)
Package Stroboscopic Pulsed (7.5 ns) mode with one channel including
- Frequency range : 1Hz to 25MHz
- internal clock or external waveform synchronization
- One output for driving MEMS, max amplitude 10 Vp-p
- 2 digital input and 2 analog input (10Vp-p)
Software module for stroboscopic control from Koala software

[M-401-B-X-001] PC Computer standard (without keyboard)
High quality Dell assembly (+2000 CHF if ordered separately) Latest multicore Intel processor High Performance Graphic Card Configured and Installed, with screen min (21 inch) and mouse

[M-410-B-O-002] PC Keyboard US / EU

[M-411-B-O-004] Power cord US

[M-420-B-X-001] Koala Software standard
DHM software for both acquisition and measurement analysis (live & post reconstruction)
Analysis tools : profile cut tools, monitoring functions, surface texture analysis, 3D representation
Data Management : Data recording (ASCII, Binary, CSV), sequence recording (data stack & AVI) Including dongle

[M-421-B-O-004] MEMS Analysis Tool
Post-processing software for performing detailed and precise analysis of the 3D dynamic response of MEMS.
- Dynamical 3D topography
- In- and out-of-plan vibrations
- Frequency response
- Electrical response

[M-421-R-O-005] Reflectometry analysis software
Post-processing software for characterization of (semi-)transparent structures on reflective substrates
- Measurement of topography, thickness, refractive index of (semi-) transparent patterns

[M-451-R-O-001] Sample Kit DHM-R (MEMS + 9 samples)                                                 
Sample Holder Platform for Reflection DHM
Includes representative samples well-adapted for training and to perform reference measurements
- Single axis micro-mirror MEMS
- Micro-lenses array
- Staircases set of various lateral dimensions: SiO2 and gold coated
- Tribology tested surfaces with scratches on Si and on GaAs
- Surface finish: rough and polished

[M-421-B-O-003] Koala TCP/IP remote control                                                                             
License for TCP/IP module of Koala software
- Compatible with Labview, Matlab, C++, or any other program supporting TCP/IP
- Enables remote control of Koala functions
- For controlling and automation of acquisition and analysis with an external software, e.g. for complex experiments requiring integration, control and synchronization between several instruments
